Fake Clerks Arrested, Hunting Victims at MA and PN Sites

JAKARTA – Police arrested six suspects of fraud and money laundering by posing as court clerks of the Supreme Court and District Courts. Each suspect named Andi, Riswan, Agus, Eko, Suwardi, and Sarman. Head of Metro Jaya Police Public Relations Commissioner Argo Yuwono said each suspect has a different role in carrying out the action.  […]

JAKARTA – Police arrested six suspects of fraud and money laundering by posing as court clerks of the Supreme Court and District Courts. Each suspect named Andi, Riswan, Agus, Eko, Suwardi, and Sarman. Head of Metro Jaya Police Public Relations Commissioner Argo Yuwono said each suspect has a different role in carrying out the action.  Andi plays the part of the leader in organizing actions. Riswan, Agus, and Eko sought victim documents from the MA or PN website.

Meanwhile, Suwardi and Sarman prepared an account to receive the transfer money from the victim. “They are looking for data on victims who are filing lawsuits on the MA and PN websites. They are looking for a company or individual data. After getting victim’s data, they study it,” Argo said at a press conference at the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, South Jakarta, Friday (2/8 / 2019). Argo explained, the suspect Andi would contact the victim by claiming to be a senior clerk of the Supreme Court or PN. He offered services to take care of the victim’s lawsuit on the condition that he sent some money. “He asked for compensation, and even asked for Rp. 1 billion. Some victims were asked to send an advance of Rp. 230 million by transfer. Some of the victims contacted were cheated, but some were not,” said Argo.

The suspect Andi claimed to have carried out the fraud for three years. The money from the scam was used for daily needs and bought a house in the Bekasi area, West Java. “They carried out the action together at a house in Bekasi. When it was secured, we secured evidence, including Rp 49 million in cash, two account books, and a victim’s data book,” Argo said. For their actions, the suspects were charged under Article 378 of the Criminal Code and or Article 4 and Article 5 in conjunction with Article 2 Paragraph (1) letter r and/or Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Washing Criminal Acts, with a maximum sentence of 20 years imprisonment.

This article has been aired on Kompas.com with the title “Komplotan Panitera Gadungan Ditangkap, Berburu Korban di Situs MA dan PN,” https://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/2019/08/02/17432171/komplotan-panitera-gadungan-ditangkap-berburu-korban-di-situs-ma-dan-pn.

Author: Rindi Nuris Velarosdela

Editor: Sandro Gatra